Random Close Packing II

here's another try at producing random close packing on a surface with a rectilinear module. two curves where plotted along the surface with random z-coordinates. a surface was then generated by lofting between the two curves.
Lúcio your work is brilliant and a true reference to me. I realise now that architecture is so much more than I was told in college.
I'm trying to learn Rhino by my own..(and rhinoscript) and your posts are a real help.
thank you so much.
ps. do you understand portuguese by the way ??
Obrigado Paulo pelo comento e sim falo português, sou natural de Torres Vedras. Tu és donde?
Boas, Já apanhei aqui o teu e-mail. Sou de Lisboa... o mail conta o resto...
Obrigado pelas dicas brutais :)
Hey Lúcio,
It's almost 4 months since a post. Is everything OK? I am sure I speak for the masses in saying come back!
Chad, thanks for the comment. Been very busy with work but will be posting new work soon...
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